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ORL pregled

Naša klinika nudi detaljnu i preciznu dijagnostiku uz pomoć najmodernije medicinske opreme, koja omogućava da identifikujemo hronične upale, alergije, infekcije, polipe i druge zdravstvene probleme. Naši ORL specijalisti su stručnjaci sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom i pristupaju svakom pacijentu s pažnjom i razumevanjem, pružajući personalizovane savete i plan lečenja.

Detaljna procena zdravlja ušiju, nosa i grla

Naša klinika pruža sveobuhvatan ORL pregled koji podrazumeva temeljanu analizu zdravlja ušiju, nosa i grla. Tokom pregleda, naš stručni tim koristi naprednu opremu kako bi precizno dijagnostikovao i identifikovao potencijalne probleme. 

Po potrebi, preporučujemo dodatne testove kao što su audiometrija za procenu sluha, rinometrija ili laboratorijske analize za otkrivanje infekcija i alergija.

Na osnovu rezultata pregleda, razvija se personalizovani plan lečenja preporuka za  terapiju, lekovi ili savet za dodatne analize.

Naš cilj je da Vam pružimo najviši nivo medicinske nege i osiguramo da se osećate dobro tokom celog procesa lečenja. Posetite nas kako biste iskusili profesionalan pristup i vrhunsku zdravstvenu negu.

Zakažite ORL pregled,

dr Dejan Rašić, otorinolaringolog

Za dodatne informacije i zakazivanje termina nas pozovite na broj 011/2970-702

  • Minimal sedation – you are awake but relaxed many years of experience
  • Deep sedation – you are on the edge of consciousness but can still 24/7 care for mother and baby.
  • The four levels of the healthcare system
Our team of skilled doctors, nurses, and specialists bring years of experience and expertise to ensure you receive the highest quality of care.
  • General Consulting
  • Construction Management
  • Modeling & Algorithm
  • Better Decision Making
  • Professional Consulting Services

Dental Family Plan

Our team of skilled doctors, nurses, and specialists bring years of experience and expertise to ensure you receive the highest quality of care.
  • General Consulting
  • Construction Management
  • Modeling & Algorithm
  • Better Decision Making
  • Professional Consulting Services
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Either waxed or unwaxed floss will do the job. Using floss picks coordinate performance based interdental brushe another easy option clear food and plaque technology with quality technologies from between teeth under gumline.
Either waxed or unwaxed floss will do the job. Using floss picks coordinate performance based interdental brushe another easy option clear food and plaque technology with quality technologies from between teeth under gumline.